About Me


Hi, I’m Jayne.

A true New Mexican desert-baby who’s made NYC home over the last 7 years. Here, my husband Alex and I share an apartment in the East Village with our Saint Bernard, Simeon (Simba for short). In the last decade of my life, I traveled extensively/lived overseas, worked full-time in music ministry at a church, (henceforth deconstructing), moved, got my MA in Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies, and became a teacher. A renaissance of my faith and my life has fully set in and I’m learning to embrace the process. It’s involved some difficult transformation— both spiritually and creatively. Consequently, I’ve been documenting each step with blogs over the last several years; more recently with my own musical expression through songwriting and recording.

I am proudly part of the the Good Shepherd Collective, a diaspora of musicians who are committed to writing and making music about peace, love, and acceptance. Belonging to such an amazing family of artists has opened so many doors of opportunity to me for which I am very grateful. In the last 3 years, I have recorded and released my first EP, “It’s So Dark”, with four original songs that encapsulate a search for my identity post-deconstruction, which is a saga of catharsis for me that will continue with the release of my upcoming album “Belief is Hard.” (— A huge thanks to so many friends who contributed to my crowdfunding project to make it happen!)

Honesty is freeing and beautiful. (And scary.) So I hope you, wherever and whoever you are, can enjoy mine.